This is a free license to a fully functional Password manager tool.
Smart Password Manager
SignupShield smart password manager collects sign-in credentials as users login to web sites. It saves those passwords in an encrypted file residing on users' hard drive (desktop edition) or their U3 smart drive (U3 edition).
When users visit the same website again, SignupShield Passwords can automatically fill-in sign-in credentials for them.
Unlike 'simple' password managers, this program saves passwords and related data from registration, log-in and password forms.
SignupShield, handles both web based, Windows' Network Login and FTP forms.
New major version 6 - Beta.
New, more efficient methods for attaching and detaching from browsers.
Resolution of multiple servers from the same domain.
New toolbar.
Easier installation for portable edition.
Silent updates.
searchbox option added to toolbar.
New option: allow automatic fill-in with multi-page sign-in.